So I found this really great hand lotion that is thick enough to last through a couple hand washes, but also thin enough to not really feel greasy. It's Dr.Teal's Therapeutic Bath & Body Line-Chapped Hands Creme in Eucalyptus & Spearmint flavor ( i know, longest name in the world). Every modern man needs to make sure he stays classy not ashy, & this is an affordable solution that will work great as a daily moisturizer. The best part is, EVERY SINGLE TIME i put this on around the office, practically every female i encounter asks what cologne I'm wearing. NO joke. I've even had a couple tell me they could smell me after I've passed down the hall. Not in the "7th grader just discovering cologne so i spray on half the bottle" sort of way, but in the "just enough to leave a great impression" sort of way. And with the price below $6 when i picked it up at HEB Grocery, this is Steven's must have product for the month.
(the sites grossly under-updated, so just check your local grocer, Walgreen's, or Beauty Supply Store)