Whats Good?
News,Comments, And Updates For The Tastefully Inclined..
(The companies, brands, and products mentioned have no affiliation with Kirin Clothing COllection and remain the copyright of their respective owners).
Thursday, November 30, 2006
New Updates
We are about to undergo a MAJOR revamping up in this piece. This spring/summer 07 is going to be a whole new Kirin. Look forward to a new (finally!) site, more designs and gear, and more partys, propaganda, and good ol fashion fun! We're also going to split into two lines, the original Kirin, and another, more street friendly line whose name will be revealed shortly. As well, we we're forgoing the winter 06 collection, but due to an extremely large amount of requests for something, we're dropping 2 hoodies on ya next mon. And YES, the garage sale for the summer 06 will take place very soon. I just have to get all the links set up right. So check back often, make sure your name's on the mailing list, and drop a line at steven@kirinclothes.com for any questions.-onesteven
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