Austin is known for many things, its been deemed (arguably mind you)"the live music capitol of the world", "the greenest city in America", one of the "top three hippest cities in the US", and "least stressful large Metro city". We have not however been known for being the "best place to race your expensive ass $3,431,000 car".
Amongst the reasons cited for picking Austin are it's ideal geographic location, beauty, transportation infrastructure (do they have the right "Austin"??) and our growing popularity as one of the country's "it" cities. Everyone from the governor, to the mayor and state comptroller (the one who actually signed the contract) seems to agree that this is a good thing for Austin. While never really being into Nascar, I have always found Formula 1 a little more intriguing. If anything because of the exotic locales they use, the millionaire-sorry-billionaire playboys and corporations participating, and the race track is so much more intense. If you're gunna sit in the crowd, better start boning up on your Top Gear episodes so you can at least pretend to know what your talking about if you bump into Sir Richard Branson. -S.DeBose

So I found this really great hand lotion that is thick enough to last through a couple hand washes, but also thin enough to not really feel greasy. It's Dr.Teal's Therapeutic Bath & Body Line-Chapped Hands Creme in Eucalyptus & Spearmint flavor ( i know, longest name in the world). Every modern man needs to make sure he stays classy not ashy, & this is an affordable solution that will work great as a daily moisturizer. The best part is, EVERY SINGLE TIME i put this on around the office, practically every female i encounter asks what cologne I'm wearing. NO joke. I've even had a couple tell me they could smell me after I've passed down the hall. Not in the "7th grader just discovering cologne so i spray on half the bottle" sort of way, but in the "just enough to leave a great impression" sort of way. And with the price below $6 when i picked it up at HEB Grocery, this is Steven's must have product for the month.
(the sites grossly under-updated, so just check your local grocer, Walgreen's, or Beauty Supply Store)
OK, so the Prius may be he number one selling electric/hybrid car in the US, but if other automakers want to compete, they know they have to do it where Toyota failed. By offering sexier, bigger hybrids with faster speed and more interior room. Enter GM...after getting panned for supposedly "killing the electric car" the EV-1, they decided to get off their butts and make up for it by building this concept: the
VOLT. Although still labeled a concept, the Volt apparently will be the first hybrid car thats completley plug n go ( although the
Tesla is completley electric w/faster speeds and longer carges), and it will be branded under the Chevy moniker. Its designed to run 40 miles on a full charge, but it does have a combustible engine im guessing so you dont get stranded out of town. Since it's still a concept GM hasn't given specs yet but it touts smaller batteries, faster charging times, more passenger room, and faster speed. Apparently production will start when the battery technology is ready which will be 2-3 years. IMHO, this could
really put GM back on the map if the production model dropped and looked and operated
exactly like the concept. Hell, I'd happily trade in whatever I am driving at the time for a beauty like that. Unfortunately, production models
rarely look like the concepts (do they think we're not ready for future ish yet,or what?), and GM is not known for it's reliability.
And while we're on the (rare)subject of Chevy's and sexiness, if you havent seen the 08 Camaro concept thats most definately going into production, go